How to grow a man's penis at home: instructions

Penis size is an actual problem for men of different ages. But only a few decide to undergo the dreaded and expensive plastic surgery. The rest are looking for and practicing other techniques on how to increase the member in aspects of the house. Special food, masturbation using a certain technology, massage with lubricant and special exercises show excellent results. You can learn more about any of the home methods, as well as tips on implementing common tools and attachments, from the article below.

What is a normal penis size?

Before you choose and use home penis enlargement techniques, make sure you really have a problem that needs to be addressed. The first determining factor is nationality. Each civilization has its own characteristics, what size penis is the norm.

If we consider Europeans, then, for example, Hungarians are 16. 1 cm, French and Czechs are 15. 9-16 cm. indicates the country of Thailand - 9-10 cm.

In the international classification, there are several concepts of deviation from the norm:

  • micropenis - less than 10 cm;
  • small penis - 10-12 cm;
  • middle member - 10-18 cm;
  • Big penis - more than 18 cm.

Fundamentally! >According to medical information, the average size of the penis during erection is 13-18 cm, and in a normal relaxed state 8-10 cm. With all this, the usual thickness is 3-4 cm, and the circumference is 10-15 cm.

Step-by-step instructions for penis enlargement at home

At this stage, when you will definitely understand how appropriate the need for penis growth is, consider what other techniques are suitable in aspects of the home. Practice shows that only a complete approach will achieve real results. What you must use:

  • Nutrition for penis growth - naturally improves the functioning of the entire body and reproductive system, individually unmatched at the age of 23;
  • Masturbation - improves blood flow, increases the expansion of cavernous and spongy bodies of the phallus;
  • Massage with lubricant - increases the elasticity of smooth muscles, improves blood flow, strengthens erection, provokes tissue regeneration;
  • Other special exercises - some stretch tissue, some increase blood flow.

The main condition for getting the result is to use the technique strictly according to the instructions and routine. If you skip classes, neglect the requirements, the rate of growth will be small, if not zero.

special food

Turning to constructive and dangerous ways to increase the size of the phallus, almost everyone does not realize that the solution to the problem lies on the surface. Knowing whether it is possible to lengthen and thicken the reproductive organ with special food, you can achieve amazing results. Indeed, growth up to the age of 21 can be directly or indirectly affected by nutrition, which depends on the hormonal background, the functioning of the whole organism, its growth and development.

The most useful products are recognized:

Useful products for penis growth
  • nut;
  • honey;
  • Sesame
  • Buckwheat;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • sea Products;
  • milk products;
  • oily fish.

Before making a menu of products to increase the size of the penis, calculate some basic rules:

  • Taking the prescribed products should be repeated;
  • From all harmful products, you must refuse 100 percent;
  • do different exercises and massages for penis growth with meals;
  • live an active lifestyle that increases immunity and strengthens the whole body;
  • give up bad habits;
  • Watch your weight, because extra pounds reduce the quality of potency and the work of the body as a whole.

Even with proper nutrition, you can restore the effectiveness of the method if you consume harmful foods at the same time, such as alcoholic beverages, excess sugar and salt, beer, canned food and smoked meat.

List of natural penis enlargement products

Which products strengthen erection, improve the properties of sperm, increase blood circulation, and also promote tissue regeneration and stretching of cavernous, spongy bodies:

  1. Nuts are a source of energy and strength, iodine for normal metabolism, amino acids for cleaning cholesterol and toxins.
  2. Honey is a source of trace elements and amino acids, which have anti-inflammatory and tonic effects. Consistent use will improve the quality of erection and male sperm, increase the mobility of germ cells.
  3. Sesame is the first product in almost all oriental dishes, therefore it is a source of calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc. All these substances increase testosterone, which is responsible for sexual desire, sperm quality, erection strength and penis growth. The main reason for slow growth is hormone deficiency.
  4. Buckwheat is a grain rich in trace elements and amino acids, which are necessary for the functioning of the whole body. The main task of this product is to improve blood composition and increase the phallus.
  5. Seafood is a strong aphrodisiac and a source of iodine, which stimulates the production of sex hormones. This, in turn, strengthens the erection, prolongs it, and therefore promotes the stretching and growth of penile tissues. Constant intake of seafood cleans blood vessels from cholesterol, activates blood flow, enhances feelings during orgasm.
  6. Fresh vegetables and fruits are a source of natural vitamins. For example, E neutralizes the effects of the environment, C thins the blood, increases blood supply, and B promotes the production of testosterone. Microelements enrich the synthesis of sex hormones, which are necessary for the growth of the phallus.
  7. Dairy products are a source of amino acids, without which penis enlargement is unrealistic. Calcium and protein increase the quality of sperm, other bacteria help to increase immunity.
  8. Fatty fish is a source of omega-3 acids that contribute to a normal human life.

Free penis enlargement methods

To avoid dangerous and expensive phallus enlargement surgery, you can grow your organ by a few more centimeters with free methods at home and with your own hands. What indicates the best results:

  1. True masturbation is a kind of phallic stretching exercise.
  2. Massage - manual action increases blood flow.
  3. special exercises.

Only with the correct implementation of the specified methods, as well as with consistent practice for several months, you can reach 18-20 cm.

Masturbation with special technology

Few men realize that proper masturbation is not only a pleasurable act, but also a useful exercise for penis growth.

How to masturbate:

  • Apply cream or lubricant to the penis;
  • warm up with stroking movements of the fabric;
  • achieve a larger erection;
  • make a ring from 2 fingers (index and thumb);
  • make ring movements from the base to the head with little pressure;
  • Complete the process by ejaculating.

In principle, so that masturbation does not replace sex life 100%, it can be done less often, but with a certain frequency.

Massaging the penis with lubricant

Another effective way to enlarge the penis is self-massage with your own hands. If you create the technique correctly, you can not only increase the diameter and length, but also improve the potency and quality of the erection. So proceed with the following steps:

  • warm the organ with a hot compress, wet a towel in hot water, attach it to the organ;
  • Repeat the warm-up several times before starting the massage;
  • Apply the lubricant to the dry skin of the phallus, gradually spreading it over the entire shaft;
  • Massage with kneading, rubbing, stretching movements.

We conduct special exercises

If you want to enlarge the male penis, but there are contraindications to other methods, simple but effective exercises will help you. The following types are most often used:

  1. Stretching - before training, the phallus is warmed up with a massage or a warm compress, after which it is taken from the head and stretched at different angles. Do everything gently at first without overdoing it, but increase it moderately so as not to damage the fabric. One session lasts 10-15 minutes, it is necessary to practice once a day for several months.
  2. Stretching - warm the tissues with massage. Next, pull the penis down and back, slowly sit on it. Gymnastics training aims to strengthen, lengthen and increase the diameter of the base of the phallus by increasing the pressure on the cavernous tissues.
  3. Flexibility - such gymnastics will require an incomplete erection and pre-heating of tissues. After that, the phallus bends in different directions, listening to your feelings. If pain occurs, it is worth ending the manipulation.

Paid home methods

Enlargement of the phallus at home can mean costs when it comes to the following techniques:

  • Using tools for penis growth - expander, vacuum pump, hanging weights, etc. Sh.
  • Use of gels and lubricants - plant extracts stimulate blood flow and enlargement of phallic tissues.

Both options can be both independent practice and addition of free methods of increasing efficiency. It is important to familiarize yourself with the features of any proposed method in detail, to learn the rules of implementation so as not to cause "the opposite effect".

We use devices

Most often, along with physical exercises and self-massage, special equipment and devices are used to intensively stretch the corpora cavernosa and raise blood pressure. What can be:

  • Vacuum pump - the member is placed in a certain environment, where a vacuum is created, it activates the blood flow, changes the diameter and length of the phallus to very possible characteristics;
  • Extender - a device for stretching the phallus, which is attached to the hips or a belt, fastens the organ with rods and a ring to the head, moderately stretches the organ in length (often the device is used to eliminate curvature);
  • Weights are a controversial method of hanging weights on the phallus, therefore, if used irrationally, they can cause tissue damage, but in general, hanging weights gives results.

We use special gels

It is possible to increase the length and thickness of the phallus at home by introducing special preparations and means - lubricants. They contain natural ingredients that simulate blood flow and enlargement of penile tissues. There are also hormonal drugs that are used only on the prescription of a medical specialist.

There are 3 types of lubricants:

  1. Fast-acting ointments - they are used before intercourse to quickly induce a strong erection and a very possible size of the phallus.
  2. Penis enlargement gels are natural remedies that require long-term and continuous use over several months to obtain cumulative effects.
  3. Auxiliary ointments - used in combination with other methods, as well as during the introduction of penis enlargement devices and supplements.

When it is necessary here and at this moment - we use nozzles

Sometimes there is a situation when a man needs to quickly enlarge his penis without ointments, gels and exercises. In this case, special tools are used - nozzles, which will not only increase the size of the organ, but also strengthen the erection, increase the quality of intercourse. There are several types of nozzles:

  • Open type nozzles - remove if you need to strengthen the property of the sexual act and increase the diameter of the penis;
  • Closed type nozzles - they promote long and quality sex due to the increase in the length of the phallus, prolonging the erection.

Latex and silicone nozzles are also considered, at best they promise sizes up to +10 cm. Such devices are used by men who suffer from the lack of phallus size only during sexual intercourse.

Be careful with popular recipes!

You can lengthen the phallus with folk recipes and remedies. There are several well-known methods:

  1. Massage with soda - the skin is moistened with oil, sprinkled with soda and gently massaged with a sponge for 5 minutes, after holding for 2 minutes, wash off the composition.
  2. Soda bath - soda is mixed with warm water, the phallus is soaked there, which prevents inflammation and activates blood circulation. The function is performed one hour before the scheduled intercourse, it is important that the penis is in an erect state.
  3. Soda scrub - first the man takes a hot bath, then makes a soda scrub on the skin of the penis, then rinses and applies a lubricant from the options listed above.
  4. Soda compress - soda is mixed with honey, after which it is applied to the shaft of the phallus, bypassing the head. The product is kept for 10-20 minutes and washed off with warm water.
  5. Herbs - a tincture of hay for internal consumption, epimedium, a tincture of ginseng or Eurycoma longifolia, an alcohol tincture of garlic or a decoction of wormwood can help to solve such a problem.

Before using such methods, consult your doctor to avoid side effects.

The use of conventional means requires careful adherence to instructions, recipes and schemes. No matter which herb or soda can be both beneficial and harmful, it can cause side effects.

Summary: A step-by-step action plan

So, we got acquainted with the most effective and popular ways to increase the length, width and diameter of the penis at home without the help of others, for free, for a fee, using devices and ordinary means.

It can be said that they start by adjusting the diet, focusing on products suitable for the reproductive system.

Then, along with the diet, you can start with light self-massage and masturbation according to the instructions described above, and after some time, you can include special exercises in your practice (you can watch the performance techniques in the video lessons). If you want to speed up the result, paid options are used - gels, lubricants and lubricants for penis growth, we also use special devices.

As for the nozzles, they all give only short-term, but quick and guaranteed results. They do not contradict the practices listed above and are used more quickly to improve sex characteristics. Classic remedies are also relevant, but require prior consultation with a medical specialist.

Only a perfect approach and consistent application can bring the expected changes.